Our Plan
Throughout the 5 Phases detailed below we will improve not only the theater, but the surrounding community by providing a space for engaging entertainment which will drive traffic to Fairborn increasing overall development in the surrounding area.
After renovation, we will provide grant opportunities, scholarships, artistic residencies and other educational opportunities for all ages.

Phase 1
We cleaned like crazy and let the public get a sneak peak of the theater for the first time in nearly 20 years. Here we tested the waters.
X Trash removal, minimal electric, seating, etc.
X. Proof of Concept --Current events consistently sell out.
X Granted NPO State/ 501(c)(3) Status by the IRS
X Drawings, Quotes and Phased Plans prepared by our architects at Dayton's The Architecture Group, Schuler & Shook Staging & Lighting Design and our engineers at Helmig.
Phase 2
Fundraising will happen throughout to cover renovations at first and later operational costs and grants. Here we start partnerships, sponsorships, selling naming opportunities and hit the pavement asking for donations.
Below is how we have raised money and will continue to do so.
DIY Events. We have thrown over 24 events most of which have sold out or been close.
Our Grant team applied and received $500k from ARPA funds while continuing to seek additional grants.
Merchandise -- our T-shirt game is strong. We'll continue to pump out new designs and merch for people to show the love.
Buy-A-Bulb -- On our Marquee, we give a chance for those wanting to help to showcase their contribution. We are selling 398 bulbs for people to buy a little piece of the theater. $250 to buy a bulb and $500 for VIP areas.
Sell personalize commercials for business social media that will play before films and events.

Phase 3
Once we raise funds we will tackle these groups to lay down a solid foundation.
Throughout this phase we will still hold DIY style events when we can.
X Roof -- We have installed a new roof thanks to Enterprise Roofing. Monster Roofing helped us stop the leaks.
Tug Point and Masonry --Over the years, the bricks have taken some damage. We'll rework and brace as needed.
Electrical -- We have completed our PHASE ONE electrical. The Skelton of the complete electric plan designed by Alliance in collaboration with Schuler & Shook will be installed in two phases.
X Phase One electrical - Power capacity to operate concerts.
Plumbing -- We have completed phase one which included running water to sinks in both bathrooms downstairs, water fountains and bar. TOILETS ARE FLUSHING!
Phase two will add an additional ADA compliant restroom and additional restrooms and kitchenette upstairs.
HVAC -- This one hurts the wallet, but we're working to fundraise to keep our guests comfortable throughout the year.
Marquee Repair - After we complete Phase One Electrical and Plumbing - we will fix the Marquee -- we plan to relight the neon Jester, update the Marquee letter board and upgrade the sign on the tower. We're tired of letters flying off and the "Fairborn" sign reading "FA" also. Quotes for rebuilding the Jester Mask are estimated at $30,000.
Phase 4
After we have the foundation set we start getting into cosmetic renovations and improvements.
Sound Proofing the rooms -- New Curtains and acoustic panels etc. to make the auditorium preform better.
New Anchored Sound System & Projector Installed with one main and two points of control.
Front of building/Auditorium Renovation with addition Green Room & storage in the rear of the building.
Modernization where appropriate
Maintain Historic Rustic Aesthetic with Modern Solutions. Motion lights, floods, projectors in Lobby all the really fun stuff.
Phase 5
This is where we start providing financial resources for artists and educational programs in the arts and tech. While we maintain our equipment quality, we'll give back in these ways.
Offer film grants for development, production and post-production.
Artistic residency programs
Partner to provide scholarships to programs within the U.S.